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DyeisLifeUK Rankings

Welcome to the official Beer Die Rankings! Below, you'll find the top 15 players ranked based on their Tosses, Catches, Sinks, Fifa’s, and Blitz’s - the key stats that make a Beer Die player elite! Rankings are earned through performance in our tournaments here in the UK, and scores will be changed to reflet the players skills after each one. So if you think you’ve got what it takes to earn a Player Card, prove it by joining the action. Step up, compete, and make your mark on the tables!

Christopher Gibbs - Player Card.jpg
Harry Roddick - Player Card.jpg
Ryan Robertson - Player Card.jpg
Nick Rosenberger - Player Card.jpg
Justin Beder - Player Card.jpg
Brady Hunter - Player Card.jpg
Alps Bakici - Player Card.jpg
Liam Gammage - Player Card.jpg
Joss Littler - Player Card.jpg
Bill Roddick - Player Card.jpg
Bryn Farrow - Player Card.jpg
Maddison Holder - Player Card.jpg
Will Reardon - Player Card.jpg
Tom Cullen - Player Card.jpg
Ed Grover - Player Card.jpg
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